Turning Hard Experiences Into Lessons

Some weeks it feels like I’m crushing it. Other weeks it feels like I’m just getting through. 

On weeks when I feel like I’m crushing it, it’s really easy to write these blogs. But during weeks I feel like I’m just getting through, my confidence wanes, and it becomes hard to write these blogs. 

Who am I? What notable things have I accomplished? Why should people listen to me? 

This morning I’m choosing to believe that all of life’s experiences–good and bad–are useful for sharing and learning. The speed bumps I’m hitting this week will be lessons I learn. The lessons I learn will become insights I share. 

Creating things becomes a lot easier when we take the pressure off of ourselves. I still believe that consistency is the most meaningful art form. Showing up is enough reason in itself to show up. 

So to you I say this. Whether you feel great about what’s going on today or not, be grateful for it. Your experiences today will be transformed into something helpful and beautiful in the future. Don’t be afraid to embrace your failures. It’s the only way to turn them into lessons for the future. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Deliver With Confidence


Uncontrollable Things