A Pathway to Success - Part II "Connections"

Have you ever seen someone sing a song on a show like America’s Got Talent and think to yourself, “I know someone who can sing way better than that!” Well guess what? I believe you. Want to know how people get on shows like that? Connections. 

As simple as it sounds, a great way to find success as a content creator is to make connections with people who have access to money. 


When I first started freelancing, I thought it would be a good idea to pitch businesses in my hometown because there was less competition. I quickly discovered the reason there was no competition in Fresno is because there was no value for my work in Fresno. When I started to settle into Los Angeles and make a few connections, I had a way easier time finding people who were willing to spend money. 

The young videographer I’ve been chatting with recently grew up in Fresno, just like I did. Fresno is a great place to grow up, and a great place to have kids. But it’s not a great place to be a content creator, because there’s no money for left for content in Fresno. The GDP of Fresno in 2017 was $37 Billion. The GDP of Los Angeles in 2017 was $1.04 Trillion (about 37x Fresno). 

Companies with funding and audacious dreams are based in big cities. Young graduates with something to prove live in big cities. Connections with people who work at companies with money to spend are a huge factor in the success of the content creator. 

A lot of content creators see networking as a slimy act. Getting to know people just so they can hook you up with a gig? Gross. But what these creators don’t understand is there are heaps of people desperately looking for creators! Project managers and creative directors are always looking for fresh content and collaborations. So when you connect with those people, there’s an equal value exchange. They get to show their boss that they discovered the new, cool creator. So shake some hands, you’re doing just as much good for someone else as you are for yourself. 

You could move to a big city and just start connecting with people. You might be labeled as a hustler or a social climber, but I’d be willing to bet you could make some money. Far better than that though, you could hone your craft by consistently publishing content while you make those connections in the city.

That’s a much stronger formula for success. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


A Pathway To Success - Part III "Business Model"


A Pathway to Success - Part I “Content”