13 One-Sentence Freelance Tips (To Help You Build A Better Business)

  1. Develop a service based on what you’re good at, not what’s most popular at the moment. 

  2. You are not your clients and your friends are not your clients, so don’t price your services based on what you can afford, price them on what the market will allow. 

  3. With the previous tip in mind, 1.5x your rates right now and see what happens. 

  4. Other freelancers who do exactly what you do will likely be your most profitable connections–they’re not competition!

  5. Find freelance friends and ask them what they charge. 

  6. Investments that increase your productivity and teach you new skills are the best investments you can make early on. 

  7. You only need a few high-paying clients (not an industry-disrupting business model) to live a good life, so stop listening to podcasts about tech startups.

  8. There’s no shame in getting a part-time job or a retainer gig while you build your freelance client base.

  9. You’ll make better decisions and higher quality work if you aren’t strapped for cash. 

  10. 49% of success comes from doing good work, and the other 51% of success comes from providing great service to your clients. 

  11. The optimal freelance business model delivers high quality results in as little time possible–cutting corners and chasing perfection will both tank your business. 

  12. Networking is crucial to your success. 

  13. You’re not “living the dream” if you don’t learn how to turn it off and take a break–that’s called a nightmare. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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