10 One-Sentence Pitching Tips (To Help You Win More Clients)

  1. Pitches have a much higher chance of success when you have a previous relationship with the person you’re pitching to.

  2. The person you’re pitching to knows their business front and back, which means they also know when you’re simply pretending to understand theirs.

  3. Pitch in your lane–don’t make promises beyond your capabilities just to win a pitch.

  4. Nerves come across in your voice while you speak and in your writing style.

  5. Clarity sells more than cool.

  6. Cool still helps though, so be clear and then add the cool.

  7. No one wants to hire someone who needs this gig to go through, so don’t pitch from a place of need.

  8. Quick responses always help get things over the line–people are usually too busy to consider dozens of options, so the one who gets back firsts a much better shot of winning.

  9. Don’t be too discouraged if you don’t win the pitch, because anyone who has been in the industry for a few years will tell you that opportunities always seem to come back around.

  10. The difference between a hobbyist and a professional is a professional has the guts to package their services and pitch them.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


13 One-Sentence Freelance Tips (To Help You Build A Better Business)


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