You can’t rush trust

Building a business takes time. Not because it takes a lot of time to create all the things that a business needs to run, (like a product or a service or a website or a marketing campaign) but because every business is built on trust, and you can’t rush trust. 

Seth Godin recently wrote “In order to actually make a difference, we have to move no faster than the speed of trust.” How many times do we see tech companies clamoring into a new space or a new city, only to be received with instant backlash? Startup heads see this “disruption“ as a point of pride. Their customers are just annoyed. And if this annoyance costs the company money in the long run, investors get pretty annoyed too.

A few questions for you to consider:

  • In your business, are you trying to move faster than the speed of trust?

  • Are you working on things under the assumption that your customers and clients already trust you?

  • Do you actually have their trust?

  • What can you do instead to build their trust? 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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