You can’t rush trust
Building a business takes time. Not because it takes a lot of time to create all the things that a business needs to run, (like a product or a service or a website or a marketing campaign) but because every business is built on trust, and you can’t rush trust.
Seth Godin recently wrote “In order to actually make a difference, we have to move no faster than the speed of trust.” How many times do we see tech companies clamoring into a new space or a new city, only to be received with instant backlash? Startup heads see this “disruption“ as a point of pride. Their customers are just annoyed. And if this annoyance costs the company money in the long run, investors get pretty annoyed too.
A few questions for you to consider:
In your business, are you trying to move faster than the speed of trust?
Are you working on things under the assumption that your customers and clients already trust you?
Do you actually have their trust?
What can you do instead to build their trust?