The Real Work of Life

Morro Bay Morro Rock

Last weekend I was producing three projects at once. 

They were all shooting within a few days of each other. I was scrambling to line up details and delegate tasks. And my knees were buckling under the crushing weight of stress. 

And wouldn’t you know it, right in the middle of it all, I had a family weekend scheduled. We booked a beach house months ago, and it just had to happen on this weekend. Of all weekends. This one. 

I decided to take the weekend off of work and hang the cost. 


Because after the content gets launched and the hype dies down and the trend becomes trite, none of these videos will matter. But the time spent with my family will matter. It will matter to me, and it will matter to my brothers, and my mom, and my aunt and uncle. It will matter if I was present with them. It will matter if they can trust me to be there with them. 

This is the real work. The real work of life. To enjoy each moment, despite what we haven’t done. To feel gratitude for the gifts we’re given, even when we feel we haven’t earned them. To accept each day with whatever it holds, and to make the most of it. 

These are the bricks with which a good life is built. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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