Stop Trying to Prove Yourself

A man tries to prove himself by carrying the weight of his company on his back.

We want you here if you want to be here. 

Nobody needs you to be here. All of this will happen with or without you. As irreplaceable and indispensable as you’ve designed yourself to be, there are still thousands upon thousands of people who could do your job. Nobody needs you to be here. 

Nobody wants you to be here if you need to be here. If you have something to prove, you become a nuisance. Your decisions are cloudy and your work ethic is tainted. There’s nothing to prove. Nobody wants you if you need it. 

If you don’t want to be here, nobody wants you to be here either. Culture eats strategy for breakfast, and if you begrudgingly show up for the strategy, but sacrifice culture along the way, it’s a major loss. It might not seem like it, but a huge majority of people would be in full support of you finding something else that you’d rather be doing. If you don’t want it, we don’t want it for you. 

But if you want to be here? Then everyone else wants you here, too. Because it’s all better with the version of you that wants to be here. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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