I heard a story of an archery master, who had his students practice shooting arrows only one foot away from the target. While many saw this as trivial, and a waste of time, the students who stuck around learned that the act of shooting arrows one foot at a time taught them unmatched clarity of mind, and composure of body. 

When it came time to shoot targets at a distance, they didn’t overthink or overcompensate. They drew the arrows back smoothly, confidently, and let them fly. 

Today, I’ve blogged every single day for one year. I look forward to the day when this isn’t a milestone, just as posting for a week and a month ceased to be milestones. But today, it is a milestone. 

I feel connected to myself from a year ago. There is something that connects me and my purpose to the person I was a year ago.

It’s this blog. 

Of course I’ve learned a lot over the last year. I’ve become a better writer. I’ve learned to share my opinions with more conviction. I’ve learned to produce something useful every single day. 

Someday, September 21st will come, and I’ll forget that it’s the anniversary of my blogging streak. Someday, I’ll write a book, and then another, and then forget what days those released, too. But today, I celebrate. 

Here’s to one-foot targets, and the places they’ll take us. Keep going, friends.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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