If You Want To, You Can Do It


I watched a video on YouTube today of a guy touring the smallest New York City apartments. He started with the biggest of the bunch. A whopping 110 square feet. Then he worked his way down.

The final apartment he toured was a 60 square foot apartment with no stove and no bathroom. 

I enjoyed his video because he wasn’t smug. He told the story of the small studio apartment that he lived in when he moved to the city. He encouraged his viewers that if they really wanted to make the move, they could do it, too. 

I was reminded of my early days out of college in Venice beach, sharing a 120 square foot apartment with a buddy and a bunk bed. 

I was inspired by this YouTube video, and I wondered if I could live in a small studio again. I came to the conclusion that if I needed to, I could. Although the goal is to not need to.

I’ll encourage you the same way the guy in the YouTube video did. If you want to, you can do it. Humans are capable of so much. Sacrificing small comforts in pursuit of your goals is an exchange that is always worth it. Because even if your goals go unachieved, the experience will transform you for the better.

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Greatness Is Doable


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