The Attitude Paradox

You can write about something life-changing, something really monumental, in such a boring way that it changes no one’s life.

You can write about something so trivial and meaningless in such a robust and poignant way that it changes someone’s life.

You can eat a five-course meal on a rooftop restaurant 100 floors up as the sunset paints the sky Monet, and be with such horrible company that you have no fun at all.

You can dig a ditch in the rain, getting soaked to the socks, slipping in mud, and be with such wonderful company that you have one of the best afternoons of your life. 

You can hear the City’s symphony as the world’s best, from all its corners, masterfully craft each measure and phrase, and feel no connection to the music at all.

You can hear a child singing, aloof and out of key, rambling stanzas of nonsense, and be so amazed that she looks like you, and can do the things you love to do, and somehow have the most meaningful artistic experience of your life. 

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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