Writer For Hire


My buddy Leo is a freelance writer. He’s a surfer of LA coffee shops, sipping espresso and writing on his laptop all across the county. I was chatting with him yesterday about a project, and he told me that he just ordered a sticker that says “Writer for Hire” to put on his laptop. 

It was the best marketing idea I have heard all year. 

But let’s break it down, because stickers are hardly a revolutionary marketing strategy. There are a few reasons why this is a killer idea. 

First, hip coffee shops are a communal space for creatives, startup hustlers, and brand marketers. These are exactly the places where people who could hire Leo spend their time. Second, he’s literally writing when his sticker lets people know that he’s a writer for hire. People can see him in action. Third, the environment is conducive to connection. People are hopped up on caffeine, and it’s a conversational environment. Finally, there’s a built-in call to action. When you see a sticker on a telephone pole, you’re unlikely to call or email the one who put it there. But Leo is sitting right there! If you need a writer, you can talk to him. 

Every marketing strategy has an ideal location, context, and audience. Too often, we run from older marketing strategies, like direct mail, and lean towards new, shiny ones, like Facebook ads. We need to pause and ask ourselves who we are trying to reach, where those people spend their time, and how we can get them to respond. 

That’s what a smart marketer, like Leo, does.

P.S. Hire Leo here

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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