Time Moves At The Same Pace

Time moves at the same pace whether you’re having a good time or not. 

Sometimes, when I’m stressed, I wish time would move slower so I could get everything done. Other times, when I’m stressed, I wish time would move faster, so the experience could be over already.

Right now, I’ve got a production looming that makes me wish time would move faster. I just want to get this thing done. 

It’s important to remember that time moves at the same pace no matter how we’re feeling. Wishing it would speed up or slow down does nothing except take us out of the moment. This is why presence and positivity are so important. If we can bring a positive outlook to each moment we’re in, we’ll get the most out of our work and our lives. 

Keep going through the stress. This experience will be over soon enough. It will fade into memory, and it won’t be stressful anymore. Just stay positive, keep your head down, and let time keep marching on. 

Make the most of every moment. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Say No, But


The Easiest Thing To Do Is Nothing (Part 2)