Buy The Books

Today I bought five books on habit research. I’m bulking up an outline for a book on creative sprints. I’ve had the idea to write a book on creative sprints for seven months. I’m just now taking action on it. 

I want to write a book for digital creators. But I was resistant to this for a while. Am I ready to write a book? What should I write about? What should I research? Should I find a publisher first? All of these questions stacked up as resistance and kept me from starting. 

The crazy part is that these mental blocks were solvable by a small financial investment. $50 later, I’ve taken the first step. The second step is reading them and taking notes. Who’s to say they don’t change my life? 

If you’re reading this, just buy the books. Make the investment. Bet on yourself. 

The books I bought could gather dust on the shelf. They just might. I’m not trying to be too optimistic here. But they also might change my life. 

If your resistance costs less than $100 to crush, just spend the money and see what happens. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Open The Laptop (My Morning Writing Routine)


You'll Have To Do The Work