Inspiration Is Your Responsibility - 1 of 2

If you don’t have any inspiration, you have to go find it. Not feeling inspired to do creative work is no longer an excuse in the digital age. You can take a digital tour of the most famous paintings, the best movie clips, the latest trends, all for free. 

One thing this daily blog is teaching me is to make a habit of consuming compelling content. I stay up to date on current events with The New Paper. I learn about new trends by subscribing to GQ. I challenge my mind by reading marketing, business, and productivity books. I never know where the inspiration for a blog post could come from, but by reading content often, I know it will come from somewhere. 

On the days when I’m too busy to read, my ideation process suffers the next day. Curating, interpreting, and combining ideas is the backbone of my work. With no input, there is no output.

If you aren’t inspired, it’s no one’s fault but your own. The rest of us are out here searching for it all the time. Come join us.

P.S. If watching other people’s content gives you a creative block because you feel like you’ll never be as good, that’s a different problem entirely. I’ll explore some solutions for that tomorrow. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


The Dark Side of Inspiration - 2 of 2


Inject Meaning Into Your Work