Experience Equals Clarity


Sometimes I search an old email from a few years back to reference a file, and I cringe. It’s amazing to me how much more concise and clear my communication has become since I began my career. I used to wonder, What separates me from more experienced, successful people? My ideas are just as good as theirs, aren’t they?

They might have been, sure. But the main distinction is that experienced people don’t second guess every single word they write. They make decisions and stick with them. They communicate with clarity and confidence, and people listen because of that. 

As time goes on, I’m seeing myself become more like that. As time goes on, we get a little better. We make mistakes, and learn from them. We shed the extra weight. We make quick decisions because we’ve made similar decisions before. 

For the person who knows how to learn from their mistakes, and for the person who can stay in the game long enough, the world just opens up. 

Keep going. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Freelancing Is Acting


The Emotional Side of Habits