More Love for The Big Three


Michael Hyatt’s productivity system is built on the back of what he calls The Big Three. The Big Three is a list of three things you want to accomplish in a day. They’re small enough to be completed over the course of a day, but big enough to make it a productive day when they are completed. 

The Big Three shouldn’t just be tasks you need to tick off for someone else, for obligation’s sake. They should be accomplishments that really move the needle on the bigger projects you’re working on. 

The Big Three shouldn’t be too big, though. Sometimes we can work on our big projects, but at the end of the day, still feel like we didn’t make any progress. Dividing your big projects into ambitious, yet achievable portions is key to maintaining momentum and motivation. 

The big three isn’t everything for a full productivity system. But it’s most of it. There are still random tasks, appointments, routines, and breaks that come together to create a holistic system. But, if you can still knock out your Big Three on the crazy days, you’ll keep things moving. 

Good luck out there. 

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