There Is A Summit


There is a summit on this creative path. It may feel like an uphill grind right now. You may be unable to see the summit, or even around the next bend. But there is a summit. If you keep going, you’ll reach it. 

When you reach the summit, things will immediately start getting easier. You’ll walk downhill into creativity and opportunity. Things will move more quickly. 

When I blogged for 31 days in a row in 2018, it was an uphill grind. When I blogged for 61 days in a row in 2019, it was an uphill grind in the rain. After about 50 days of blogging in 2020, I reached the summit. I wrote the next 50 blogs walking downhill. The sun came out. Things started making sense. 

Who knows what will help you reach the summit. For me, it was integrating my daily blog into morning ritual. After a shower, a walk, and a cup of coffee, the blogs just started flowing. Maybe for you it will be finding your style, or meeting the right people, or learning a key skill.

This isn’t to say the rest of the path will be downhill. After you cruise for a while, there will be a new summit to climb. I’m going to start writing a book later this year. That will be an uphill grind again. 

This creative path is a long hike. There are many summits. Countless valleys. Sunshine, rain, clouds, snow. Keep going. 

Those who stayed home never had anything to write about. 

P.S. If this blog has been encouraging to you, text it to a friend who might also find it valuable. Thanks for reading!

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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