Lean Back Into 2021


Are you planning for 2021? Is it approaching too fast? Is it simultaneously exciting and terrifying? 

That’s alright. It is for me too. 

In the days approaching the new year, I encourage you to spend more time leaning back and less time leaning forward. I mean this literally.

We can spend far too much time leaning forward, hunched over our laptops and notebooks, trying to make things happen. We need to spend more time leaning back–dreaming, thinking, problem solving. When you put your body in a posture, your mind follows suit. So have a seat on the couch. Lean back. Look up. There will be plenty of time to lean forward in the new year. 

Once again, I leave you with a quote from my late Grandpa Jim. 

“Right answers to all our concerns tend to float to the surface of the quiet, trusting mind.”

–Grandpa Jim Smith


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