Christmas Is Still 90% As Good

Last weekend, I had an abbreviated stay at an Airbnb in my hometown. I sat in my parents’ backyard, weathering the cold, speaking up through my mask. My mom is a nurse and my dad’s immune system isn’t strong right now. So that’s what Christmas looked like for us this year. 

Did I miss cooking with mom? Watching basketball with dad? Playing board games with my brothers? Of course I did. In the days leading up to my visit, I felt discouraged that Christmas wasn’t going to be as good as it could. 

Often, I focus on the imperfect 10%. I forget about the 90% that is still perfectly good and enjoyable. The reason we cook, watch sports, and play games is so we can talk. And as my parents and I sat in the backyard, bundled up, we did just that. We talked. 

Christmas was still 90% as good. 

Merry Christmas. As odd as the holidays are this year, I hope they can still be special for you in their own way. I know you can make them special.

Thanks for reading. 


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