What To Do If You Have No Work in December

If you work with brands, December might be slow for you. December is usually slow for freelancers.

Most brands spend October and November getting ready for Black Friday and the holiday season. If you can get in with them during late summer or early fall, you might be busy during December. Otherwise, brands are usually head down just trying to execute their plan. No time for pictures or lunches.

If you’re not busy right now, don’t worry. January always comes around. (It has up until now, anyway). Ask yourself what you can do to prepare for January. Is there a new offering you can develop? A new skill you can learn? A clearer message you can share? 

Budgets come back in January. New goals are set. People are hopeful. If you’re not busy right now, don’t worry. It’s just December. Hunker down and evolve. 

January is coming.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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