Cheers to Those Who Publish

Do you ever wonder how many great songs never got recorded? How many bands from places like Modesto, and Sand Point, and Lancaster and wrote hits? I mean hits. But they never got recorded. 

I wonder how many life-changing books are currently unedited .docx files on a dusty Dell desktops. How many insurance salesmen, and painters, and IT techs could have been geniuses? I mean geniuses. If they had just published their work.

Maybe you wonder this, too. Maybe you feel like you have a hit. Maybe you’re a secret genius. 

Publishing is easier and cheaper and more accessible than any other time in human history. There are no gatekeepers. You can change the course of someone’s life halfway around the world with a few clicks, a couple bucks, and a lot of keystrokes. Why wouldn’t you publish it? 

Perfectionism is a fallacy. Fame is an illusion. It’s the work that counts. But the work doesn’t count unless you publish it. 

So publish it. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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