Cool and Available

I recently did an index of all the freelancers I’ve hired for productions in the past four months. Someone asked me why I chose to hire the ones I did. After the index, it became pretty clear that I hired people for only a couple reasons.

They were cool and available.

By “cool”, I mean two things. First, they had a cool style. Something defined and on purpose. Second, they were cool people. Kind, collaborative, flexible, humble. 

By “available”, I mean they let me know in advance and in the moment if they could help. Most of the freelancers either checked in on text, social, or in person somewhat recently. Then, when I reached out, they responded quickly and clearly. 

I’m sure you’re already cool and available. But do other people know that? How can you let them know?

Good luck out there!

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Investing In Yourself - Counterintuitive Realization #3


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